About Electrodermal Screening (EDS)

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you having reactions to foods you eat or things in your environment? Did you know that there’s an alternative way to determining what is wrong with your body than to have to have multiple doctor’s appointments, getting poked with needles, or having to take samples and labs and waiting weeks to get the results to determine what to get better?

With Bioscan Total Body Wellness Scanning (Meridian Stress Assessment – MSA and Stress Reduction Testing – SRT) you can get a computerized scan to see what your body is sensitive to, how it is out of balance, and help it learn to not react anymore. That means no more suffering from swelling, redness, or irritation in your body from your environment or foods.

In just 20 minutes, we can scan over 100 areas of the body for acute or chronic problems, body function, stress, and how over 60,000 substances interact with your body to identify the root cause of your problems. With Bioscan SRT and MSA, we can get to the root issues and suggest protocols that will bring wellness and balance to the ENTIRE body, not just the issues you came in for.

In addition to all the physical stressors, we can also scan for emotional stressors and help to provide your body with the help it needs to heal both emotionally and physically.

Electrodermal Screening Procedure

During the initial visit, the practitioner will first scan you by placing probes on your fingers. This scan will give an initial picture of all the body systems and stressors, and help the practitioner identify where to start you on your health journey. She will then record measurements at the MSA points on the hands and feet, depending on what areas your body needs healing. During this reading, you will hold a small, brass hand mass in one hand while your practitioner uses a stylus to touch various acupuncture points on your hands and feet. Each point is associated with certain organs or systems in your body.

The system’s extensive database will allow consideration of a wide range of possible plans that might help the client regain a healthy balance. These plans use a combination of homeopathy, supplements, and digestive enzymes to help correct any challenges. The coolest part of this system, is you can physically see how your remedies will affect your body and whether they are going to work or not. This completely eliminates the guesswork and wasted time in trying solutions that don’t work for an individual. Each body is unique and the common solutions that work for most, don’t work for everyone. You and the practitioner can see what will and won’t work before you even leave the office.

Your retest schedule will be determined by your results, along with your future goals. This system is FDA approved and results can be replicated by any BioScan MSA trained professional. You can be certain, beyond a doubt, that your strategy is effective.

Who Cannot Be Tested?

In an overabundance of caution, theBioScan will not be used on pregnant women or on any person with any electrical device implanted in the body.

* This device is not intended to treat or cure any illness. For any type of medical diagnosis, please consult with a medical practitioner.

Tips to Prepare for a Successful Screening

  • Please try to be well hydrated when you arrive.
  • Please bring any and all medications, supplements, essential oils, body care items, etc. that you typically use, with you to your appointment so we can test them with your body.
  • If you don’t have timed medications, and are able to not take any medications at least 4 hours prior to the appointment, it’ll improve readings. If you have regular medications that you should not skip, please take them on schedule.
  • On the day of your appointment, please:
    • do not use any essential oils or lotions, especially on your hands or feet.
    • do not take any vitamins or supplements the day of the appointment.
    • refrain from strenuous workouts the day of your appointment.