What Vitamins to Take When Starting New Health Goals?
When it comes to being healthy, there seems to be so much information out there it can be overwhelming. Where do I start? What vitamins to take? Why does health have to be so complicated? Can we just take a magic pill and be healthy? Unfortunately, we were all uniquely designed and what may be right for one person is not necessarily right for you. There are some basic pillars of health, though, that we should all be taking into consideration. In this article, I will walk you through the basic fundamentals for supplementing our diets that everyone should consider.
Our New Discovery in Conquering Tummy Aches
Digestive health is essential to your overall health. I’ve heard various stats, but they believe that over 90% of illness is caused by an unhealthy gut. When I started learning about a healthy digestive system, the number one thing I was taught was the importance of probiotics and digestive enzymes. As I’ve learned more about health, I’ve learned there is a difference between maintaining and restoring gut health. Restoring gut health is a little more complicated, but vital to repairing overall health. Here's a short lesson on the digestive system, how it works, and how to improve it. I wrap up with a recent story on what helped constant tummy…