Welcome to Loves7Grace - helping moms live a more fulfilling life

About Michelle

Hi! I’m so glad you are here!

I’m a wife and a mom to 5 amazing children, whom I homeschool. In 2013, I also became a Certified Natural Health Professional. My husband and I have an amazing marriage and have been married since 2004. Some of my kids have various Sensory Processing challenges, which has caused me to dig into what that is and find ways to help them.

My Story

Growing up, I always wanted to be a doctor. I geared everything I did throughout middle and high school towards helping me to get in medical school. I also had this underlying desire to be a “mommy” and stay home with my kids when I had them. 

Freshman year of college, I realized that those two goals conflicted a bit, so I dropped my pre-med major and pursued a business degree. I worked my way up the corporate ladder with various Fortune 500 companies, as well as a smaller company that was also a leader in the industry. 

My husband, James is my best friend, the only man in the world who could complete me the way he does. We have had the privilege of being mentored by some terrific friends. These friends taught us to work on our relationship and have encouraged us to be stronger emotionally and spiritually.

In 2007, I found natural heath and learned how to improve my health and various health challenges that I was experiencing. It impacted my life so dramatically, that I decided to become a Certified Natural Health Professional in 2012. That way I could learn more to help myself, family, friends, and whomever else God brought to me.

During the last 3 years of my corporate career, I worked full-time while homeschooling my kids, ran my health business on the side, and either did not have childcare or someone only came over 1-2 days a week. I also had 2 babies during this time. 

I definitely understand being stretched! During this time, though, I learned how to be incredibly efficient with my time and emotionally stronger.

In 2017, before becoming pregnant with my fifth child, I was able to quit my full-time job and be home with my kids full-time. I was so grateful to not have to continue doing everything I was previously doing during that pregnancy and after. 

I am so thankful for the people that God has placed in my life, and for the lessons I’ve learned. I’m blessed to navigate this journey of life with an amazing family and to have peace in this chaotic world.

Since then, I have felt a leading to coach and mentor other moms to thrive in their personal, spiritual, and physical health journey. Love’s7Grace was formed through this desire to help other moms live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

You are welcome here!

In this blog, I will share things that I’ve learned along my journey, and hope it inspires and empowers you to live victoriously. Take a look around, sign up for my email list so we can stay in touch, and let me know about you and what brought you here.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation, I’d love to talk to you. Just sign up by clicking here.

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